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WebSocket API

Opening a connection

You can establish a WebSocket connection against the path /v4/websocket.

When opening a websocket connection, you must supply 3 required headers:

Header Name Description
Authorization The password you set in your Lavalink config
User-Id The user id of the bot
Client-Name The name of the client in NAME/VERSION format
Session-Id? * The id of the previous session to resume

*For more information on resuming see Resuming

Example Headers
Authorization: youshallnotpass
User-Id: 170939974227541168
Client-Name: lavalink-client/2.0.0

Websocket messages all follow the following standard format:

Field Type Description
op OP Type The op type
... ... Extra fields depending on the op type
Example Payload
  "op": "...",

OP Types

OP Type Description
ready Dispatched when you successfully connect to the Lavalink node
playerUpdate Dispatched every x seconds with the latest player state
stats Dispatched when the node sends stats once per minute
event Dispatched when player or voice events occur

Ready OP

Dispatched by Lavalink upon successful connection and authorization. Contains fields determining if resuming was successful, as well as the session id.

Field Type Description
resumed bool Whether this session was resumed
sessionId string The Lavalink session id of this connection. Not to be confused with a Discord voice session id
Example Payload
  "op": "ready",
  "resumed": false,
  "sessionId": "..."

Player Update OP

Dispatched every x seconds (configurable in application.yml) with the current state of the player.

Field Type Description
guildId string The guild id of the player
state Player State object The player state

Player State

Field Type Description
time int Unix timestamp in milliseconds
position int The position of the track in milliseconds
connected bool Whether Lavalink is connected to the voice gateway
ping int The ping of the node to the Discord voice server in milliseconds (-1 if not connected)
Example Payload
  "op": "playerUpdate",
  "guildId": "...",
  "state": {
    "time": 1500467109,
    "position": 60000,
    "connected": true,
    "ping": 50

Stats OP

A collection of statistics sent every minute.

Stats Object

Field Type Description
players int The amount of players connected to the node
playingPlayers int The amount of players playing a track
uptime int The uptime of the node in milliseconds
memory Memory object The memory stats of the node
cpu CPU object The cpu stats of the node
frameStats ?Frame Stats object The frame stats of the node. null if the node has no players or when retrieved via /v4/stats
Field Type Description
free int The amount of free memory in bytes
used int The amount of used memory in bytes
allocated int The amount of allocated memory in bytes
reservable int The amount of reservable memory in bytes
Field Type Description
cores int The amount of cores the node has
systemLoad float The system load of the node
lavalinkLoad float The load of Lavalink on the node
Frame Stats
Field Type Description
sent int The amount of frames sent to Discord
nulled int The amount of frames that were nulled
deficit * int The difference between sent frames and the expected amount of frames

* The expected amount of frames is 3000 (1 every 20 ms) per player. If the deficit is negative, too many frames were sent, and if it's positive, not enough frames got sent.

Example Payload
  "op": "stats",
  "players": 1,
  "playingPlayers": 1,
  "uptime": 123456789,
  "memory": {
    "free": 123456789,
    "used": 123456789,
    "allocated": 123456789,
    "reservable": 123456789
  "cpu": {
    "cores": 4,
    "systemLoad": 0.5,
    "lavalinkLoad": 0.5
  "frameStats": {
    "sent": 6000,
    "nulled": 10,
    "deficit": -3010

Event OP

Server dispatched an event. See the Event Types section for more information.

Field Type Description
type EventType The type of event
guildId string The guild id
... ... Extra fields depending on the event
Example Payload
  "op": "event",
  "type": "...",
  "guildId": "...",
Event Types
Event Type Description
TrackStartEvent Dispatched when a track starts playing
TrackEndEvent Dispatched when a track ends
TrackExceptionEvent Dispatched when a track throws an exception
TrackStuckEvent Dispatched when a track gets stuck while playing
WebSocketClosedEvent Dispatched when the websocket connection to Discord voice servers is closed


Dispatched when a track starts playing.

Field Type Description
track Track object The track that started playing
Example Payload
  "op": "event",
  "type": "TrackStartEvent",
  "guildId": "...",
  "track": {
    "info": {
      "identifier": "dQw4w9WgXcQ",
      "isSeekable": true,
      "author": "RickAstleyVEVO",
      "length": 212000,
      "isStream": false,
      "position": 0,
      "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up",
      "uri": "",
      "artworkUrl": "",
      "isrc": null,
      "sourceName": "youtube"
    "pluginInfo": {}


Dispatched when a track ends.

Field Type Description
track Track object The track that ended playing
reason TrackEndReason The reason the track ended
Track End Reason
Reason Description May Start Next
finished The track finished playing true
loadFailed The track failed to load true
stopped The track was stopped false
replaced The track was replaced false
cleanup The track was cleaned up false
Example Payload
  "op": "event",
  "type": "TrackEndEvent",
  "guildId": "...",
  "track": {
    "info": {
      "identifier": "dQw4w9WgXcQ",
      "isSeekable": true,
      "author": "RickAstleyVEVO",
      "length": 212000,
      "isStream": false,
      "position": 0,
      "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up",
      "uri": "",
      "artworkUrl": "",
      "isrc": null,
      "sourceName": "youtube"
    "pluginInfo": {}
  "reason": "finished"


Dispatched when a track throws an exception.

Field Type Description
track Track object The track that threw the exception
exception Exception object The occurred exception
Exception Object
Field Type Description
message ?string The message of the exception
severity Severity The severity of the exception
cause string The cause of the exception
causeStackTrace string The full stack trace of the cause
Severity Description
common The cause is known and expected, indicates that there is nothing wrong with the library itself
suspicious The cause might not be exactly known, but is possibly caused by outside factors. For example when an outside service responds in a format that we do not expect
fault The probable cause is an issue with the library or there is no way to tell what the cause might be. This is the default level and other levels are used in cases where the thrower has more in-depth knowledge about the error
Example Payload
  "op": "event",
  "type": "TrackExceptionEvent",
  "guildId": "...",
  "track": {
    "info": {
      "identifier": "dQw4w9WgXcQ",
      "isSeekable": true,
      "author": "RickAstleyVEVO",
      "length": 212000,
      "isStream": false,
      "position": 0,
      "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up",
      "uri": "",
      "artworkUrl": "",
      "isrc": null,
      "sourceName": "youtube"
    "pluginInfo": {}
  "exception": {
    "message": "...",
    "severity": "common",
    "cause": "...",
    "causeStackTrace": "..."


Dispatched when a track gets stuck while playing.

Field Type Description
track Track object The track that got stuck
thresholdMs int The threshold in milliseconds that was exceeded
Example Payload
  "op": "event",
  "type": "TrackStuckEvent",
  "guildId": "...",
  "track": {
    "info": {
      "identifier": "dQw4w9WgXcQ",
      "isSeekable": true,
      "author": "RickAstleyVEVO",
      "length": 212000,
      "isStream": false,
      "position": 0,
      "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up",
      "uri": "",
      "artworkUrl": "",
      "isrc": null,
      "sourceName": "youtube"
    "pluginInfo": {}
  "thresholdMs": 123456789


Dispatched when an audio WebSocket (to Discord) is closed. This can happen for various reasons (normal and abnormal), e.g. when using an expired voice server update. 4xxx codes are usually bad. See the Discord Docs.

Field Type Description
code int The Discord close event code
reason string The close reason
byRemote bool Whether the connection was closed by Discord
Example Payload
  "op": "event",
  "type": "WebSocketClosedEvent",
  "guildId": "...",
  "code": 4006,
  "reason": "Your session is no longer valid.",
  "byRemote": true